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Fundamentals of Electromagnetics:

A Two-Week, 8-Day, Intensive Course for Training Faculty in Electrical-, Electronics-, Communication-, and Computer- Related Engineering Departments


Nannapaneni Narayana Rao
Edward C. Jordan Professor Emeritus of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA
Distinguished Amrita Professor of Engineering
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, India

Amrita Vishwa Vidya Peetham, Ettimadai, Coimbatore
August 11, 12, 13, 14, 18, 19, 20, and 21, 2008


Our duty to others means helping others; doing good to the world. Why should we do good to the world? Apparently to help the world, but really to help ourselves.... Do not stand on a high pedestal and take five cents in your hand and say, ‘Here, my poor man,’ but be grateful that the poor man is there, so that by making a gift to him, you are able to help yourself. It is not the receiver that is blessed, but it is the giver. Be thankful that you are allowed to exercise your power of benevolence and mercy in the world, and thus become pure and perfect - Swami Vivekananda

Education is not the amount of information that is put into your brain and runs riot there, undigested all your life. We must have life-building, man-making, character-making assimilation of ideas. If you have assimilated five ideas and made them your life and character, you have more education than any man who has got by heart the whole library - Swami Vivekananda

In the context of this course on EM (Electromagnetics), let those five ideas be the four Maxwell’s equations, which I call the four EMantras, and the auxiliary equation, or the auxiliary EMantra! - Narayana Rao

The PowerPoint presentations, which are provided here through the links, can be downloaded without prior permission, by anyone and anywhere in the world, for the purpose of teaching and learning Electromagnetics. When used for lectures or for presentations to audiences, an acknowledgment of the source will be appreciated. Thank you - Narayana Rao

Course Goals

The goals are to impart the elements of engineering electromagnetics that (a) constitute the foundation for preparing an electrical-related engineering major to take follow-on courses, and (b) represents the essentials for a computer-related engineering major taking this course only.


U. S., and International Editions:

"Fundamentals of Electromagnetics for Electrical and Computer Engineering," by Nannapaneni Narayana Rao, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2009 (Published in May 2008)
"Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, Sixth Edition," by Nannapaneni Narayana Rao, Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004

Indian Editions:

"Fundamentals of Electromagnetics for Engineering," by Nannapaneni Narayana Rao, Low-Priced Indian Edition, Pearson Education, 2009 (Published in August 2008)

Complete Front Matter of Book
About the Author
Gratitude and "Grattitude"
Preface to the Indian Edition

"Elements of Engineering Electromagnetics, Sixth Edition," by Nannapaneni Narayana Rao, Low-Priced Indian Edition, Pearson Education, 2006

Complete Front Matter of Book
Message from A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
Foreword by Richard H. Herman
Foreword by Linda P. B. Katehi
Foreword by Nick Holonyak, Jr.
About the Author
A Tribute to Edward C. Jordan
About the Illinois ECE Series
Introduction: Why Study Electromagnetics?

Course Outline and Presentations

Note: The PowerPoint presentations for the modules here contain errors. They are superseded by the PowerPoint presentations for the modules in "2009 India Programs." Go to 2009 India Programs.

Dedication, Gratitude, and Appreciation (PPT, 4.17 MB)

Course Brochure (PDF, 1 MB)

Introduction (PPT, 14.7 MB)

Module 1: Vectors and Fields (PPT, 1.69 MB)

Vector algebra
Cartesian coordinate system
Cylindrical and spherical coordinate systems
Scalar and vector fields
Sinusoidally time-varying fields
The electric field
The magnetic field
Lorentz force equation

Module 2: Maxwell’s Equations in Integral Form (PPT, 978 KB)

The line integral
The surface integral
Faraday’s law
Ampere’s circuital law
Gauss’ Laws
The Law of Conservation of Charge

Module 3: Maxwell’s Equations in Differential Form (PPT, 603 KB)

Faraday’s law and Ampere’s Circuital Law
Gauss’ Laws and the Continuity Equation
Curl and Divergence

Module 4: Wave Propagation in Free Space (PPT, 1 MB)

Uniform Plane Waves in Time Domain
Sinusoidally Time-Varying Uniform Plane Waves
Poynting Vector and Energy Storage

Module 5: Wave Propagation in Material Media (PPT, 1.58 MB)

Conductors and dielectrics
Magnetic materials
Wave equation and solution
Uniform waves in dielectrics and conductors
Boundary conditions

Module 6: Statics, Quasistatics, and Transmission Lines (PPT, 2.73 MB)

Gradient and electric potential
Poisson’s and Laplace’s equations
Static fields and circuit elements
Low-frequency behavior via quasistatics
The distributed circuit concept and the transmission line

Module 7: Transmission Line Analysis in Time Domain (PPT, 2.07 MB)

Line terminated by a resistive load
Transmission-line discontinuity
Lines with reactive terminations and discontinuities
Lines with initial conditions

Instructional Objectives

By the end of Module 1, you should be able to do the following:

1. Identify the polarization of a sinusoidally time-varying vector field
2. Calculate the electric field due to a charge distribution by applying superposition in conjunction with the electric field due to a point charge
3. Calculate the magnetic field due to a current distribution by applying superposition in conjunction with the magnetic field due to a current element
4. Apply Lorentz force equation to find the electric and magnetic fields, for a specified set of forces on a charged particle moving in the field region

By the end of Module 2, you should be able to do the following:

5. Apply Faraday's law in integral form to find the electromotive force induced around a closed loop, fixed or moving, for a given magnetic field distribution
6. Apply Ampere's circuital law in integral form to find the magnetomotive force around a closed path, for a given current and/or electric field distribution
7. Apply Gauss' law for the electric field in integral form, Ampere's circuital law in integral form, the law of conservation of charge, and symmetry considerations, to find the line integral of the magnetic field intensity around a closed path, given an arrangement of point charges connected by wires carrying currents

By the end of Module 3, you should be able to do the following:

8. Determine if a given time-varying electric/magnetic field satisfies Maxwell’s curl equations, and if so find the corresponding magnetic/electric field, and any required condition, if the field is incompletely specified
9. Find the electric/magnetic field due to a one-dimensional static charge/current distribution, using Maxwell’s divergence/curl equation for the electric/magnetic field
10. Establish the physical realizability of a static electric field by using Maxwell’s curl equation for the static case, and of a magnetic field by using the Maxwell’s divergence equation for the magnetic field

By the end of Module 4, you should be able to do the following:

11. Obtain the electric and magnetic fields due to an infinite plane current sheet of an arbitrarily time-varying uniform current density, at a location away from it as a function of time, and at an instant of time as a function of distance, in free space
12. Find the parameters, frequency, wavelength, direction of propagation of the wave, and the associated magnetic (or electric) field, for a specified sinusoidal uniform plane wave electric (or magnetic) field in free space
13. Write expressions for the electric and magnetic fields of a uniform plane wave propagating away from an infinite plane sheet of a specified sinusoidal current density, in free space
14. Obtain the expressions for the fields due to an array of infinite plane sheets of specified spacings and sinusoidal current densities, in free space
15. Write the expressions for the fields of a uniform plane wave in free space, having a specified set of characteristics, including polarization
16. Find the power flow associated with a set of electric and magnetic fields

By the end of Module 5, you should be able to do the following:

17. Find the charge densities on the surfaces of infinite plane conducting slabs (with zero or nonzero net surface charge densities) placed parallel to infinite plane sheets of charge
18. Find the displacement flux density, electric field intensity, and the polarization vector in a dielectric material in the presence of a specified charge distribution, for simple cases involving symmetry
19. Find the magnetic field intensity, magnetic flux density, and the magnetization vector in a magnetic material in the presence of a specified current distribution, for simple cases involving symmetry
20. Determine if the polarization of a specified electric/magnetic field in an anisotropic dielectric/magnetic material of a given permittivity/permeability matrix represents a characteristic polarization corresponding to the material
21. Write expressions for the electric and magnetic fields of a uniform plane wave propagating away from an infinite plane sheet of a specified sinusoidal current density, in a material medium
22. Find the material parameters from the propagation parameters of a sinusoidal uniform plane wave in a material medium
23. Find the charge and current densities on a perfect conductor surface by applying the boundary conditions for the electric and magnetic fields on the surface
24 Find the electric and magnetic fields at points on one side of a dielectric-dielectric interface, given the electric and magnetic fields at points on the other side of the interface

By the end of Module 6, you should be able to do the following:

25. Find the static electric potential due to a specified charge distribution by applying superposition in conjunction with the potential due to a point charge, and further find the electric field from the potential
26. Obtain the solution for the potential between two conductors held at specified potentials, for one-dimensional cases in the Cartesian coordinate system (and the region between which is filled with a dielectric of uniform or nonuniform permittivity, or with multiple dielectrics) by using the Laplace’s equation in one dimension, and further find the capacitance per unit length (or capacitance in the case of spherical conductors) of the arrangement
27. Perform static field analysis of arrangements consisting of two parallel plane conductors for electrostaic, magnetostatic, and electromagnetostatic fields
28. Perform quasistatic static field analysis of arrangements consisting of two parallel plane conductors for electroquastatic and magnetoquasistatic fields
29. Understand the development of the transmission-line (distributed equivalent circuit) from the field solutions for a given physical structure

By the end of Module 7, you should be able to do the following:

30. Find the voltage and current variations at a location on a lossless transmission line as functions of time and at an instant of time as functions of distance, and the steady state values of the line voltage and current, for a line terminated by a resistive load and excited by turning on a constant voltage source, by using the bounce-diagram technique
31. Design a lossless transmission line system by determining its parameters from information specified concerning the voltage and/or current variations on the line
32. Design a system of three lines in cascade for achieving a specified unit impulse response
33. Compute the reflected power for a wave incident on a junction of multiple lossless transmission lines from one of the lines and the values of power transmitted into each of the other lines, where the junction may consist of lines connected in series, parallel, or series-parallel, and include resistive elements
34. Find the solutions for voltage and current along a transmission-line system excited by a constant voltage source and having reactive elements as terminations/discontinuities
35. Find the voltage and current variations at a location on a lossless transmission-line system as functions of time and at an instant of time as functions of distance, for specified nonzero initial voltage and/or current distributions along the system

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